Battleship Game Results


In the 2-player game Battleship, each player takes turns guessing the position of the other player’s battleships on a 10 x 10 playing board. When a player correctly guesses a grid that contains a segment of an opponent’s battleship, the ship is damaged. If all the segments of a ship have been damaged, the ship is declared to be sunk. You’re evaluating an ongoing Battleship game, and have two tables.

The table locations_of_ships contains the locations of one of the player’s ships. This table contains the following columns:

  • id - the unique ID of the ship;
  • upper_left_x - the x-coordinate of the upper left corner;
  • upper_left_y - the y-coordinate of the upper left corner;
  • bottom_right_x - the x-coordinate of the bottom right corner;
  • bottom_right_y - the y-coordinate of the bottom right corner.

In this task there can be these types of ships - 1 × 1, 1 × 2, 1 × 3, 1 × 4, 2 × 1, 3 × 1, 4 × 1 , number of ships of particular type is not fixed, but it is guaranteed that they don’t overlap.

The target squares of the opponent’s shots are given in another table, opponents_shots, which has the following columns:

  • id - the unique ID of the shot;
  • target_x - the x-coordinate of the target square;
  • target_y - the y-coordinate of the target square.

All the coordinates in these tables are 1-based.

The goal is to return a table that describes the current state of the game. For each class of ship (i.e. for each different size), there should be a row containing four integers: a ship’s size in the column size, the number of undamaged ships of that type in the column undamaged, the number of partly damaged ships of that size in the column partly_damaged, and the number of ships of that type that have already been sunk in the column sunk. The result should be ordered by the size of the ships.


For the following tables locations_of_ships

id upper_left_x upper_left_y bottom_right_x bottom_right_y
1 1 1 2 1
2 4 1 4 3
3 7 1 10 1
4 10 3 10 4

and table opponents_shots

id target_x target_y
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 4 2

the output should be

size undamaged partly_damaged sunk
2 1 0 1
3 0 1 0
4 1 0 0

The diagram below shows the state of the game board:

  • [execution time limit] 10 seconds (mysql)


/*Please add ; after each select statement*/
CREATE PROCEDURE battleshipGameResults()
     SELECT size, SUM(hits=0) AS undamaged, SUM(hits > 0 AND hits < size) AS partly_damaged, SUM(hits = size) AS sunk FROM (SELECT *, (bottom_right_x - upper_left_x + 1 ) * (bottom_right_y - upper_left_y + 1) AS size, (SELECT COUNT(distinct target_x, target_y) FROM opponents_shots WHERE target_x >= upper_left_x AND target_x <=bottom_right_x AND 
 target_y >= upper_left_y AND target_y <= bottom_right_y) AS hits FROM locations_of_ships) t GROUP BY size ORDER BY size;