Free Seats


You’re working on the tech support team of an airline company, and your boss has asked you to implement a feature that shows the number of available seats on every flight.

Information about the airline is stored in three tables - flights, planes, and purchases, respectively. The tables are structured as follows:

  • flights:
    • flight_id: the unique flight id;
    • plane_id: the id of the plane making the flight.
  • planes:
    • plane_id: the unique plane id;
    • number_of_seats: the number of seats on the plane.
  • purchases:
    • flight_id: the flight id of the purchase;
    • seat_no: the seat number of the purchase.

It is guaranteed that in the purchases table, the pairs (flight_id, seat_no) are unique.

With the information provided in the database, you need to calculate the number of seats that are not yet purchased for each flight_id.

Given tables flights, planes, and purchases, build a table as follows: The resulting table should have columns flight_id and free_seats, where for each flight_id, free_seats is the number of seats that have not been purchased yet. The rows of the table should be ordered by flight_id in ascending order. It is guaranteed that the information in table purchases is consistent and there are no purchases for non-existing flight_ids or seat_nos.


For the following tables flights

flight_id plane_id
111 128
87 157
100 23
121 23


plane_id number_of_seats
128 5
23 7
157 4
239 2

and purchases

flight_id seat_no
111 1
87 1
87 7
100 5

the output should be

flight_id free_seats
87 2
100 6
111 4
121 7
  • Flight number 87 has 4 seats, and 2 of them have been purchased;
  • Flight number 100 has 7 seats, and one of them has been purchased;
  • Flight number 111 has 5 seats, and one of them has been purchased;
  • Flight number 121 has 7 seats, and none of them have been purchased.

  • [execution time limit] 10 seconds (mysql)


/*Please add ; after each select statement*/
    SELECT flight_id, number_of_seats - sold_seats AS free_seats FROM
    planes JOIN (SELECT plane_id, flight_id, Count(seat_no) as sold_seats
    FROM flights LEFT JOIN purchases USING(flight_id)
    GROUP BY flight_id) AS t USING(plane_id)
    ORDER BY flight_id;