Places Of Interest Pairs


You’re going on vacation in a big city, and you’ve prepared a list of all the sights you’d like to visit. As you don’t have much time and can’t spend a whole day at one interesting place, you want to visit several sights per day and walk from one site to another. But walking a long distance might be boring, so you won’t walk between two places if the distance between them is 5 km or more.

To find the route that you should take, you are going to find all pairs of places that are less than 5 km from each other.

The places of interests are stored in a table sights, which has the following attributes:

  • id: the unique ID of the place;
  • name: the name of the place;
  • x: the x coordinate of the place;
  • y: the y coordinate of the place.

The distance between the places is calculated with the assumption that they are just points on a 2D map.

Given the sights table, find all pairs of places that are less than 5 km from each other and return them as a table with the columns place1 and place2. Sort them in lexicographical order. The places in the pairs should also be sorted lexicographically.

Note: Array A is lexicographically smaller than array B either if A is a prefix of B (and A ≠ B), or if there exists such index i (0 ≤ i < min(A.length, B.length)), that Ai < Bi, and for any j (0 ≤ j < i) Aj = Bj.

Note 2: String A is lexicographically smaller than string B either if A is a prefix of B (and A ≠ B), or if there exists such index i (0 ≤ i < min(A.length, B.length)), that Ai < Bi, and for any j (0 ≤ j < i) Aj = Bj. The lexicographic comparison of strings is implemented by operator < in modern programming languages.


For the following table sights

id name x y
1 Tower of London 51508.026 -7.5939
2 Trafalgar Square 51508.040 -12.7899
3 London Eye 51503.538 -11.9371
4 The Shard 51504.533 -8.6028

the output should be

place1 place2
London Eye The Shard
London Eye Trafalgar Square
The Shard Tower of London

  • [execution time limit] 10 seconds (mysql)


/*Please add ; after each select statement*/
CREATE PROCEDURE placesOfInterestPairs()
	SELECT DISTINCT IF( <,, AS place1, IF( >,, AS place2
    FROM sights AS a, sights AS b
    WHERE <> AND ST_Distance(Point(a.x,a.y), Point(b.x,b.y)) < 5
    ORDER BY place1, place2;