Scholarships Distribution


In the past, straight “A” students have gotten scholarships to reward them for their excellent grades. This year, though, there has been an increase in the number of detentions given to excellent students, so the administration is going to change the rules. In order to encourage the levels of misbehavior to go down, only well-behaved students will be awarded with scholarships this year.

Information about the straight “A” students is stored in the table candidates, and information about all the detentions is stored in the table detentions. Here are their structures:

  • candidates
    • candidate_id: the unique candidate ID;
    • candidate_name: the name of the candidate;
  • detentions
    • detention_date: the date of the detention (of the date type);
    • student_id: the id of the student who got the detention.

Your task is to figure out which students should get the scholarships this year. Given the candidates and detentions tables, return a table with a single student_id column containing the IDs of the students who should get scholarships - students from the candidates table who’ve never gotten a detention. The IDs of the students in the resulting table should be sorted in ascending order.


For the following table candidates

candidate_id candidate_name
12 Gerlinde Addens
35 Gerbern Abbey
44 Edmond Ramsay
58 Svanhild Lacey
103 Nita Simons

and deletions:

detention_date student_id
2015-10-21 12
2015-11-19 91
2016-02-11 87
2015-12-26 44
2016-01-19 91
2015-09-10 91
2015-12-30 12
2016-05-19 58

the output should be


Only Gerbern Abbey and Nita Simons never got detention, so they will get the scholarships this year.

The dates in the example are given in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • [execution time limit] 10 seconds (mysql)


/*Please add ; after each select statement*/
CREATE PROCEDURE scholarshipsDistribution()
	SELECT candidate_id AS student_id
    FROM candidates LEFT JOIN detentions ON candidate_id = student_id
    WHERE student_id is NULL;